Doing business in EAC

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Doing Business in East Africa: The Big Picture

East African Community Business & Investment Forum on the 27th April 2021 Green Solutions for Cities in Africa.

 The story of the East African Community (EAC) demonstrates the value of regional integration for investors and partnership for trade. Comprising of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, the EAC is a market community of 170m consumers, a huge insight for any business that is serious about building scale. This is why in 2010 experienced and enthusiastic business people from Sweden, formed the Swedish-East Africa Chamber of Commerce (SWEACC), with focus on business opportunities to increase trade and investments between the EAC region and Sweden.

 SWEACC is growing rapidly and now has approximately 100 members, ranging from SME:s to large companies. In a short period of time SWEACC has established excellent contacts with the Embassies of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, accredited to Sweden and the Nordics and Swedish Department for Foreign Affairs. Local partners in EAC include Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Private Sector Foundation Rwanda (PSF), Tanzania Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) and Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) that ensure successful market entry for SWEACC members.

One notable platform that the chamber is known for is the annual East African Community Business & Investment Forum (EAC-BIF). And this year’s event is scheduled for 27th April, 2021, under the theme: Green Solutions for Cities in Africa.

The Forum is a key annual business event to promote business flow, trade and investment opportunities between Sweden and the East African Community. SWEACCs membership in the European Business Council for Africa (EBCAM) will welcome participants from several European Countries.  This year’s online event has an exciting program features panel discussions, workshops, breakout session and speed dating between representatives for B2G, B2B and B2C actors, with business interests in waste to energy solutions, water and sanitation and green transport.

Keynotes include Anna Hallberg, Swedish Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs, Betty Maina, Kenyan Minister of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development, Paula Ingabire, Rwandan Minister of ICT, and Innovation, Kitila Mkumbo, Tanzanian Minister for industry and trade, and Amelia Kyambadde, Ugandan Cabinet Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

“The Forum is a great example of how to interconnect between 5 large cities, presenting opportunities to each other and creating shorter lead time for connecting buyers and sellers. Our well established collaboration with the EAC embassies and associations for private companies in East African countries, create opportunities for sustainable green solutions for large, medium and small companies, within the framework of Agenda 2030”, Jan Furuvald, SWEACC Chairman.

 Welcome to the event site; for more information.